If the gallery has the download option turned on, then follow the instructions below to download the photos:

Downloading Photos:

  1. Once you are in a gallery, click on the button. (Upper right hand side of the gallery.)

  2. To select a photo or photos, click on each photo and you should see a circle with a check mark.

    1. To unselect a photo, just click on the photo you wish to unselect and the check mark will be removed.

  3. To select all of the photos, click on the All option.

    1. To unselect all photos, click on the None option.

  4. Once you have the photos you wish to download, click on the button. (Upper right hand side of the gallery.)

  5. After clicking the button, the following will be displayed:

  6. Click on Save () to save the .zip file to your hard drive.

    1. Note:This may take a few minutes depending upon the size of the file you are downloading.

  7. Once the .zip file has been downloaded, the following will be displayed:

  8. The following three options allow you to do the following:

    1. Open – opens the .zip file to allow you to extract the pictures.

    2. Open folder – opens the downloads folder where the .zip file is located.

    3. View downloads – opens a window that shows the downloaded zip file.

  9. You are finished, now enjoy the photos .